Saturday, July 25, 2009

Out of Focus

Out of Focus

i notice how my focus
is often centered
on my comfort, my winning,
my seeming needs...
'Now' i declare myself
out of focus...
and allow the edges
of my motivations
to reveal the beauty
that i see
when looking
at apparent others...
allowing their reflections
of my fullest self to filter
into consciousness...
accepting 'Now' these
as my own
and blessing and rejoicing
at the fullness there i see


"I will go with you to the Holy One, and through my perception He can bridge
the little gap. Your gratitude to your brother is the only gift I want. I
will bring it to God for you, knowing that to know your brother to know
God. If you are grateful to your brother, you are grateful to God for what
He created. Through your gratitude you come to know your brother, and one
moment of real recognition makes everyone your brother because each of them
is of your Father. Love does not conquer all things, but it does set all
things right. Because you are the Kingdom of God I can lead you back to your
own creations. You do not recognize them now, but what has been dissociated
is still there." (T-4.VI.7)

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