Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Your Perplexity

Your Perplexity

each of us is only to seek
the at-one-ment for ourselves...
your perplexity is nothing more
than mine disguised as not mine...
you come to me to help me see
the hidden guilt that has me suffer
and die to prove its yours not mine...
no need to explain your perplexity
or fix you up or
change your way of thinking
i simply allow it all
and bless it all
and in so doing allow it
to pass into the nothingness
from whence it came...
what remains is my love for you
and yours for me
so graciously offered as perplexity


--- On Tue, 7/28/09, Deborah wrote:

I am frequently told by other Course students that to respond to error in any way is to "make the error real."

"But isn't A Course in Miracles itself a response to error?" I ask. The last time I got into that discussion with someone, I asked him if he understands the difference between stating facts and making judgments only to be informed that "in this world there are no facts." In his mind, it is somehow "good" for him to respond -- judgmentally actually -- to what I write and "bad" for me to factually relate and respond to what other people say or write to me.

I don't quite get that, but then again, I don't quite get most things people try to teach me. In one place, the Course says this about it:

T 9 D 2. We have repeatedly stated that beliefs of the ego CANNOT be shared, and THIS IS WHY THEY ARE NOT REAL. How, then, can UNCOVERING them MAKE them real?

But maybe I'm just "misunderstanding" that, too. These days it seems just about every "advanced teacher of the Course" has pretty much written Deborah off as "a hopeless case." I mentioned to one of them a year or so ago that I "seem to have a knack for irritating people who think of themselves as spiritual teachers."

"Don't sell yourself short," she responded. "Given a few moments you could irritate most anyone."

That's a fact -- and perhaps even "prophetic."

I am continuously amazed at the ingenious ways in which people manage to accept just enough of the Course to help them feel better about themselves and not quite enough to threaten their beliefs in personhood. Many former Course "teachers" tell me they have graduated from the Course and are now ready for "better things."

Bill Thetford is said to have suggested that if a particular page of the Course seems to cause disagreement, just rip it out. I'm thinking I'm about ready to rip out the page that says the Course is "just a beginning." People seem to take to that statement like ducks to water. Just yesterday yet another close companion announced to me that he has graduated from the Course.


Fear of Condemnation

Fear of Condemnation

today i will not use my brother
to prop up my little self
thru comparisons and competitions
that crop from within my little mind
let me use him but
for the purpose
which is holy
as a mirror of my guilt
to forgive him for what
i made of him to hide
this deadly fear of
of my Self.


"God's justice rests in gentleness upon His Son, and keeps him safe from all
injustice the world would lay upon him. Could it be that you could make his
sins reality, and sacrifice his Father's Will for him? Condemn him not by
seeing him within the rotting prison where he sees himself. It is your
special function to ensure the door be opened, that he may come forth to
shine on you, and give you back the gift of freedom by receiving it of you.
What is the Holy Spirit's special function but to release the holy Son of
from the imprisonment he made to keep himself from justice? Could your
function be a task apart and separate from His Own?" (T-26.I.8)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Loving Gifts

Loving Gifts

yes, to simple be....
in this lies peace....
each feeling of frustration
to be blessed and allowed
to wash back into
the sea of love...
erased by my releasing
control i never had....
what is left is life creating new
i meld into this newness
and allow all waves of feeling
to wash thru my resistence
until the peace returns
where i know my fullest self is home
within my heart and mind
nevermore to tarry forth
into the illusion of my attempting
control of loving gifts




~in the eternal now ~

there is a crystal clear ocean

that arises from the depths

of your soul…

it arises

as each wave lands upon

the shores of your perception…

its ocean-ness permeates

all things…

within each arising

there is only love…


you must see all arisings

with the singular eye

the eye that sees only love

to experience

the depths of this ocean of love…

you are a creator of experience…

you create an experience of love

for your self

when you allow the waves

to land upon your shore

simply allowing the ocean to arise

within you

and retraining the mind

to witness only love

for only love

abides there…


you create an experience

uniquely your own

of that very love…

allowing love to arise freely

moving thru your very being

with no attachment to what you

think you see…

simply knowing

it is love’s wave

landing upon the shore of

your very life…

this is co creation

I bring forth…

you witness

and experience the love

that is always there…



Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jeshua Energies

Jeshua Energies

into a personality called jesus
there they completely
gave up personality
showing me how
thru unconditional love
of all friends, lovers, enemies -all-
'Now' asking me to give my specialness
to this same force
so magnificently demonstrated for me
-the force of Jeshua energies-
to transmute my little self
and allow my fullest self to manifest....
gladly oh gladly i follow this prime example
and release all thought of littleness
declaring my magnificence
in union with the ALLTHATIS....


--- On Fri, 7/24/09, Deniseanew@aol.com wrote:




all that wants to depart

to leave……..


bless it as it “seems”

to leave you…

for, in truth

it is simply I AM

an aspect of yourself

removing itself

so that

love itself…

life itself…

true life

can bleed thru

your dream

bring all of your false loves

to ME…

if it is wanting to depart

allow it

for it is ME

coming to dismantle

that which you have simply

created In error

to bring

you that which you


in truth….you do not truly know

that which is in your highest good…

allow me to dismantle the mansions

of illusion…

the veil

that has clouded your

true site………

bring all to ME…

the grand undoer

whose only purpose

is to bring you heaven on earth…


it is already here

yet you see it not as you

perceive life thru your

earthly eyes…

allow me to

bring you the grand tour

when you

are willing to allow me

into our shared sacred heart

once again…

with that

I bid you adieu…


I AM the love you are…





Out of Focus

Out of Focus

i notice how my focus
is often centered
on my comfort, my winning,
my seeming needs...
'Now' i declare myself
out of focus...
and allow the edges
of my motivations
to reveal the beauty
that i see
when looking
at apparent others...
allowing their reflections
of my fullest self to filter
into consciousness...
accepting 'Now' these
as my own
and blessing and rejoicing
at the fullness there i see


"I will go with you to the Holy One, and through my perception He can bridge
the little gap. Your gratitude to your brother is the only gift I want. I
will bring it to God for you, knowing that to know your brother to know
God. If you are grateful to your brother, you are grateful to God for what
He created. Through your gratitude you come to know your brother, and one
moment of real recognition makes everyone your brother because each of them
is of your Father. Love does not conquer all things, but it does set all
things right. Because you are the Kingdom of God I can lead you back to your
own creations. You do not recognize them now, but what has been dissociated
is still there." (T-4.VI.7)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Today I'm Running

Today I'm Running

at first
tiny baby steps
holding the wall as
i inch nearer your arms
trembling a bit with fear
uncertain of the steadiness
of next step
then a bit bolder
with a fall or two
some crying
some lying about
courage and strength
then you grace me
with gifts of praise
and warming nourishment
of my soul
boldly now my step becomes
today i even ran a bit


--- On Fri, 7/24/09, Deniseanew@aol.com wrote:

jump off...
simply jump into ME
and allow ME
to bring "life"
to you....
how does one do
bring all of your little self
all of its wants...desires...needs..
and place them on the golden tray
that allows ME
to dissolve that which no longer serves you
and bring you true "life"
true loving......
true being...
you become my walking servant
blessing the "ones"
I would bring unto you
this is a true state of
"being ness"
and it is the only
state worth

i give all of myself
to my Self...
all desires and wants let go of...
all thoughts of my small self
dissovle into the only one
true thought...
how can i be a vehicle
thru which
your love.....your majesty....your essence
is extended into this world
of insanity...????
let me be your feet....your open heart...
i ask only that THE VOICE OF LOVE
be the only voice
that comes thru this earth channel...
that which I AM>>>
your extension
in time...