Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Truth So Simple

Truth So Simple

what shows before me
is meant for my blessing
of the me
i rejected and projected
all i am asked to do
is trust that it comes
only for this blessing
it is not a lesson
to be learned but
only myself to be embraced


"The substitutes for aspects of the situation are the witnesses to your lack
of faith. They demonstrate that you did not believe the situation and the
problem were in the same place. The problem the lack of faith, and it
is this you demonstrate when you remove it from its source and place it
elsewhere. As a result, you do not see the problem. Had you not lacked faith
that it could be solved, the problem would be gone. And the situation would
have been meaningful to you, because the interference in the way of
understanding would have been removed. To remove the problem elsewhere is to
keep it, for you remove yourself from it and make it unsolvable."



with-in all things ~

letting go of my perception

that I am the body

opens the field of my


to the “inclusivenss”

that I AM

the love within all of creation…

with that ownership

comes re-sponsibility…

if I AM the love

within all things

it is my purpose

to “see only that”

by “seeing only that”


reveals itself to me

again and yet again…

the veil

is that I am not

anything more

than this separate body mind….

devoid of all that I see…

of all that I be…

I am but love…

when my singular eye

perceives only love

in all moments….






Friday, June 26, 2009

Releasing Sorrow

Releasing Sorrow

i hold a judgment of my daughter
that she has died to me
because she fills not the pictures
i have held so long of her
now i willingly release
all my pictures
and allow the blessings i posses
to cover her in love
even through i know
not how this will be done


"Have faith in him who walks with you, so that your fearful concept of
yourself may change. And look upon the good in him, that you may not be
frightened by your "evil" thoughts because they do not cloud your view of
him. And all this shift requires is that you be willing that this happy
change occur. No more than this is asked. On its behalf, remember what the
concept of yourself that now you hold has brought you in its wake, and
welcome the glad contrast offered you. Hold out your hand, that you may have
the gift of kind forgiveness which you offer one whose need for it is just
the same as yours. And let the cruel concept of yourself be changed to one
that brings the peace of God." (T-31.VII.5)


i release all labels given
to put a "perception"
on energy...
labels such as
father, daughter, husband
christmas, good, bad
any and all perceptions
other than
in releasing these
i weep
for they have served my
unconscious mind for oh
so long...
i weep as my small self
dissolves into the
wholeness of my Self...
I AM is who i know myself to be...
is whom i know all that i see
to be....
there is simply the energy
of love's dance
playing before my earth eyes...
my singular eye
see's only that
which I AM...
it is dancing behind
and within all things...
inclusive of all of creation...
words label truth...
remove the words
the labels
the conditions we put on
all aspects of ourselves
to live up to that which we "believe"
to be right or wrong...
in the new now
there is only NOW
there is no more need for time
to play out my beliefs...
i simply abide in the eternal now
of knowing, loving
releasing and embracing
all of ME>>>>>>>>>
that which I AM...
for there is "nothing"
outside of me...
all of creation
is within me....
i expand myself eternally
as i choose for love
and embrace the calls
for love's presence
simply by bringing love
to the places of the heart
where it is absent...
expanding love itself
is my purpose...
as i do this
i literally move creation
out of duality into the
eternal now...
the heaven that is already here
peaks thru and welcomes
my new sight
as i simply
letting go of all the "labels"
that have kept me yearning
for more and more
of the dream
my false creations
fall away from me as if
the leaves would fall
from autumns trees...
gently descending
letting go of their "grip" of the
supportive branch
that has allowed all illusion to be birthed
i fall home to my Self
and create from the "void"
of constriction...
what is the constriction???
you only create with your
loving thoughts from this
eternal heart of love
~together with the beloved~
as it was "before time" was needed
to process the illusions of false guilt...
the constriction
in the void
is that nothing but love
can be birthed here...
I AM home

Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!
These words are but symbols
but they sing to my heart
uplifting me to the heaven
from whence they came.

I sooo love you,


This Is the Final Lesson

This Is the Final Lesson

the world of diversity is unreal
no choice but one
to bless and release
all that i thought
was real and desirable
for the one desire
to be what I Am
and will always be
--the extension of divinity--
and thru my expression
of the divine Love that is me
more and more expressions
of Love form
into an unending cascade
of shimmering bundles
of light energy forever and ever


"There is no choice where every end is sure. Perhaps you would prefer to try
them all, before you really learn they are but one. The roads this world can
offer seem to be quite large in number, but the time must come when everyone
begins to see how like they are to one another. Men have died on seeing
this, because they saw no way except the pathways offered by the world. And
learning they led nowhere, lost their hope. And yet this was the time they
could have learned their greatest lesson. All must reach this point, and go
beyond it. It is true indeed there is no choice at all within the world. But
this is not the lesson in itself. The lesson has a purpose, and in this you
come to understand what it is for." (T-31.IV.3)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Light of Awakening Flickering

Light of Awakening Flickering

yet promising a brighter day
than the passing dark
of this day allow

glimpses of permanent lightness
behind the temporary darkness
and uncertainty of the moment
a new moment arrives
as the old i allow to dissipate

the orange round moon
of the night promising
a blazing sun of a new day
and by the sight
of the moon's brilliance
and behind these passing clouds
i am assured of the permanence
of the sun and of the joy
and warmth to be felt
as i allow all to pass and
reveal the truth of my being
of my inextinguishable inner light
i send to greet
the hiding sun's rays
and there embrace
the all of myself


Dear Michael,
Thank you once again the words came in the NOWness of Need. Deep desire to be heard, understood, and acknowledged. There it was! One deep desire, one moment of bliss, to be connected. Alrightness, Blessedness! Thankful---Gratefulness!

Wonder I can see and feel OKness
Feeling the storm of anxiety
calmness alleviating
from sleep

behind all appearances of dark
there is only I AM
simply a belief held deep in the
small mind
births these moments
of sadness, pain, fear....
in that same moment
if allowed....
love will show its presence
to me
as i embrace
and transcend...
I AM the source
of all i perceive...
allow love's presence
to bleed in to your now moments
by the very "power"
of "your" blessing...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Something Arises in Me

Something Arises in Me

i sense a want
at first quite vague
then some form emerges
as an image of the wanted treasure...
it possesses me entirely
i search to be fulfilled...
at times a painful sensation
overtakes me as i fear
not to achieve my want
or even if achieved its loss...
from one image to another i go
head spinning, heart pounding
always wanting, never satisfied
until at last a drop of grace
i feel enlightening my mind.
"want not but receive all
waiting there for your embrace"
satisfied, i accept the call
and rest in Love for ALLTHATIS
embraced and ever embracing


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Why Not "Get a Life"

Why Not "Get a Life"
the one you think you have is false
made to proclaim the truth
of suffering, pain and death
the one you seek to have
is created to last
and last and last forever
your search is ended
your journey is over
the life you seek is found
oh no, it was not found
it found you
as you let go
the false self
you proclaimed was life itself


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

All Things Are Neutral

All Things Are Neutral

the meaning they have for me
is the meaning i place in them...

my desire is to receive salvation
therefore, i must see salvation
in what the others offer...

when it does not feel 'good' to me
it is because i have made
a judgment that
it is unwanted,
to be aborted
to be hidden
to be pushed away
to be disguised
certainly not to be owned...

but only in the owning
does my salvation lie...

so fire away
bring me all i have hidden
bring me all i disguise,
bring me all i have refused
to acknowledge as Myself
i am ready
knowing the grace of God
is my strength


"How happy would your dreams become if you were not the one who gave the
"proper" role to every figure which the dream contains. No one can fail but
your idea of him, and there is no betrayal but of this. The core of dreams
the Holy Spirit gives is never one of fear. The coverings may not appear to
change, but what they mean has changed because they cover something else.
Perceptions are determined by their purpose, in that they seem to be what
they are for. A shadow figure who attacks becomes a brother giving you a
chance to help, if this becomes the function of the dream. And dreams of
sadness thus are turned to joy." (T-29.IV.5)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Truth of Love's Wholeness

Truth of Love's Wholeness

i know i cannot keep any dream
and find the atonement for myself
dreams are apart from truth
dreams are filled with the guilt
of imagined separation
dreams are bits and pieces
arranged to frighten a 'guilty' self
into submission to themselves
only in the blessing of all dreams-
allowing of the truth behind
to scurry forth-
will dreams dissolve
and truth of Love's wholeness
shine through
allowing me to be the One I AM


"Such is the core of fear in every dream that has been kept apart from use
by Him Who sees a different function for a dream. When dreams are shared
they lose the function of attack and separation, even though it was for this
that every dream was made. Yet nothing in the world of dreams remains
without the hope of change and betterment, for here is not where
changelessness is found. Let us be glad indeed that this is so, and seek not
the eternal in this world. Forgiving dreams are means to step aside from
dreaming of a world outside yourself. And leading finally beyond all dreams,
unto the peace of everlasting life." (T-29.V.8)

You are The Power

You are The Power

Within you is The Voice
That has the answer to every
Question you could ever have

You are The Power
Within you is The Love that
Literally Heals The World
You See
You are The Power
Within You is The Peace that
Literally stops all wars
You are The Power
You are The Love
You are The Peace
Be all you are My Brother...My Sister...
We can Change the world
We are The Power

Love is My Constant~
Ananda of Love

My Love & My BlesSings!
Love Deeply!
Ananda of Love
www.CourseinMiracle sForum.com

www.QuantumMiracles .com
My Blog:http:// WealthHappiness. wordpress. com